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Assessor Tools, Responsibilities and Assessment Entry Help
How do I find VAPID in Listings Portal?
Assessor FAQs
What is a Delivery Adjustment?
What is the cut off time for my Assessment?
I want to find an old Assessment that I purchased or sold?
Can I, as an Agent/Assessor have financial interest in a lot?
What sample size is required on my assessment?
How do I set my start & reserve prices?
Uploading Images and Videos During Assessment Entry
How do I reoffer a lot?
Who was the underbidder on my lot?
How do I update my Agency Logo Online?
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Assessor Tools
Nominating a Listing as a 'Featured Lot'
How to list livestock with a ‘Make an Offer’ option?
How can I add a PREGCHECK™ reference to an Assessment?
Assessment Entry Forms & Manuals
Photo's & Video's - Tips for Assessors
How to update lots to SOLD
Using the Brochure View
How do I navigate my Dashboard?
How to upload weights from your Indicator to Assessment Entry
Publishing your Assessment
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Vendor Templates
Spell Check & Grammar on your Assessments
What is the Preferred Agent Nomination/Linked Buyers?
Lot messages display within catalogues
Individual Accounts for all Agency Staff
Coordinating a Stud Sale with A+
AuctionsPlus Saleyard Interfaces
AuctionsPlus Forward Contract Sales
AuctionsPlus Delivery Checklist
What is the Price Discovery tool that appears in the Assessment Entry?
How can I confirm the NEVER EVER accreditation in Assessment Entry?
How can I confirm the Immune Ready status in Assessment Entry?
How can I confirm the Ruminati Climate Assessed accreditation in Assessment Entry?
How can I download all my sale results?
How to declare trucking and loading access in Assessment Entry?
How do I access LiveAssess from my AuctionsPlus mobile app?
How do I access the Streaming Links' for my auction
How to manage listings order in the auction catalogue?
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How do I create a template upon LiveAssess?
How do I capture crush-side assessment data (via template) on LiveAssess?
How do I sync LiveAssess data to the Assessment Entry portal?
How do I create an assessment using the LiveAssess data captured crush-side?
AuctionsPlus Accreditation
How do I become an AuctionsPlus Assessor?
How do I become an Accredited Delivery Agent?
How do I progress to a different Assessor Level?
My Assessor Accreditation has expired, how can I reactivate it?
Case Studies
Case Study: Lifetime Traceability (Cattle)
Case Study: What is "Force Majeure"?
Should I attend delivery?
Subjective Language in Assessments
Declaring Notable Traits in your Assessment
Fit to Load & Assessing Pregnant Females
Assessing Mixed Sex Lambs
Full less 5% - the industry standard
What happens if I deliver a lot outside the nominated delivery window?
Offering Cattle from inside the Tick Line
Shearing between assessment & delivery
Sole Agency
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AuctionsPlus Assessments
Having trouble with 'what best describes this Lot?'
Stating Bloodlines
What should I include in my Assessor Comments?
Agency Terms of Trade
Nominating your Delivery Point
Stock Categories (Cattle)
Stock Categories (Sheep)
Temperament (Cattle)
Delivery Fields
Assessors can now offer to scan and complete NLIS transfer
Entering multiple vet treatments
Accessed Cotton Trash Status (Cattle)
Burr/Seed Details (Sheep)
Wrinkle Score (Sheep)
Breeding Quality (Cattle & Sheep)
Store Condition (Cattle)
Muscle Score (Cattle)
Wither Height (Sheep)
Hip Height (Cattle)
Horn Status (Cattle)
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