What are AuctionsPlus notifications?

Notifications are short messages delivered to the user via the AuctionsPlus App, SMS text message and/or within the AuctionsPlus website. They're designed to save our user's time by connecting them to AuctionsPlus at 'just' the optimal moment!

AuctionsPlus makes it easier to sell and purchase quality livestock and machinery without having yourself, or the listing, physically present onsite. Sellers can access a wider range of potential bidders, whilst buyers can better search, pinpoint and purchase from a much, much wider pool of lots.

AuctionsPlus appreciates that buyers and sellers are busy people and whilst they may not be able to continuously monitor, browse and check progress, still wish to take full advantage of the opportunities AuctionsPlus provides.

To support this need, AuctionsPlus is offering both buyers and sellers the capability to receive notification of opportunities to sell the right lots, to the right buyer, at the right price.

Notifications are short messages delivered to the user via the AuctionsPlus App, SMS text message and/or within the AuctionsPlus website. They’re designed to provide a near-time update to the recipient of a change to specific lots' status, or bid, or sale, or any other trigger that then offers the user unique value.

The range of available notifications is expanding in response to user demand with new updates every month.

 How will I receive notifications?

AuctionsPlus notifications are designed to offer users the right information at the right time. The user can select to receive notifiactions in 3 separate ways

 AuctionsPlus mobile app 'Push'

The AuctionsPlus mobile app is the mobile friendly solution to accessing the full range of services via your mobile phone or tablet. Users can browse, bid, list and read the latest AuctionsPlus News content in a mobile optimsed format.

A key feature of the mobile app is supporting timely on-device notifications of critical updates and time-sensitive interactions. If you've not yet downloaded the app follow the links below - and be sure to enable notifications during installation



The AuctionsPlus website

When navigating across, or operating on, the AuctionsPlus website, logged in users will be informed of available notfications via the icon positioned in the top right-hand corner across the platform.

Hover over the icon for a preview of unread notifications, or click to access the new Notification Centre

The Notification Centre may also be accessed via the Dashboard where it offers the user the capability to action, scroll, read and delete notifications at will

SMS to mobile device

To support users who have not yet downloaded the AuctionsPlus mobile app, or not directly upon the AuctionsPlus website, users may also receive notifications direct to their mobile device as a SMS. (Note that SMS delivery is to be retired later in 2025)

Each SMS will contain a link which will direct the user to the AuctionsPlus platform where they can appropriately respond to the action.

How can I manage my notifications?

AuctionsPlus account holders have complete control over what notifications they receive and how. Not all notifications are relevant to all types of users - but all users can manage what they receive via the Notification Centre located within their User Dashboard.

Select Settings and choose the desire options.


We are here to help! If you require any further assistance, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page.