How do I sign up or register as an AuctionsPlus user?

How to sign up or register and verify an account to browse, bid and buy on AuctionsPlus.

To register an account on AuctionsPlus you will need to sign up, read and accept the user rules and responsibilities, and finally complete a user induction quiz. A step-by-step process is shown below.

  1. Sign up to AuctionsPlus to start creating an account.
    Sign Up
  2. Fill in your details, create a security PIN and question then select 'SIGN UP'.
    auctionsplus sign up 1
  3. You'll firstly be asked to validate your email address. Check your email for a verification code (be sure to check your junk email if it does not arrive after a few minutes). Once you enter the code, your email will then be confirmed.
    auctionsplus sign up 2
  4. Then, you'll be asked to validate your phone number. There are two options to verify - either via an SMS or a phone call (specifically for non-mobile users).

    If you select 'SMS', you will receive a text message to the phone number you've entered with a unique 6-digit code.

    If you select 'Call', you will receive a phone call to the phone number you've entered with an automated voice reciting a unique 6-digit code.

    Enter in the unique 6-digit code to proceed.

    Check your phone number

    If you miss the code, had trouble receiving the code or got it wrong, you can click on 'Resend phone verification code' to receive a new unique 6-digit code. 

  5. Once you have entered both codes for email and phone, you will see a successful message, allowing you to proceed to next step.
    Phone and Email verified
  6. On the next screen, you'll have the option to enable Multi-factor Authentication for added layer of security to access your account. You have the ability to select 'Email' to enable using your email address or 'SMS/Call' option to use your phone number. 
    Enable MFA for new user
    Alternatively, select 'Skip for now' to enable Multi-factor Authentication at a later time via your dashboard.

    👉 For more detailed step-by-step instructions on how to enable Multi-Factor Authentication, click here.

  7. Select the details that best describe you.
    auctionsplus sign up 4-1
  8. If you are interested in bidding on and purchasing livestock such as cattle, sheep or goats please enter your PIC number. If you are not interested in buying livestock then you can select 'No' and continue to the next step. You may also select the 'Skip for now' option to update at a later time.
    auctionsplus sign up 5
  9. If you have an ABN number, you can enter the number and allocate it to your user profile. If you do not have an ABN number, select 'I don't have an ABN number', put in your trading name (or full name) to continue to the next step. 
    auctionsplus sign up 6
  10. Add your business or residential address (note: PO boxes are now allowed).
    auctionsplus sign up 7
  11. If you have a preferred agent, you can select the agency and enter the agent's name and email to allocate them to your user profile. If you do not have a preferred agent, select 'CONTINUE' to move on to the next step.
    auctionsplus sign up 9
  12. Carefully read then accept our User Rules & Responsibilities for both accessing the website and participating in auctions, then complete the User Quiz.
    auctionsplus sign up 8
    Note: The user quiz is 10 questions long, and has a time limit of 1 hour. It must be finished in one sitting and you cannot save and finish later. The quiz has a pass mark of 100%, and will let you go back and change your answers. If you want to complete the quiz at a later date, you will also be able to 'Skip for now' and access it again via your dashboard.
  13. Once you have finished all the steps, you will be able to submit your request to our team who will approve it within 48 hours. 

Note: If you are unable to finish the sign-up or verification process in one go, you will be able to exit and come back to complete it at a later date. To go back and complete a sign-up or verification, go to your dashboard home page and click 'Upgrade Now'.

auctionsplus upgrade now dashboard