Nominate a machinery listing to Featured Lots to significantly increase views in high-profile locations across the AuctionsPlus website.
The ‘Featured Lots’ has now been extended to offer Selling Agents listing machinery upon the scheduled AuctionsPlus Machinery Sale an easy-to-use, integrated facility to promote their listings outside of the existing catalogue. Nominating a machinery listing to Featured Lots significantly increases views by cycling the lot(s) through 11 high-profile locations across the AuctionsPlus website (known as Run of Site or 'ROS' placements).
📝 At present, only machinery listed to the AuctionsPlus Multi-Vendor Machinery Sale may be nominated to Featured Lots.
⚠️ All images and screenshots shared in this article is purely for illustrative purposes only and does not resemble any actual sales or listings.
Nominating the listing to Featured Lots within Listings Portal
Machinery selling agents can promote a listing to Featured Lots when administrating a listing via the Listings Portal.
Once the minimum listing entry details have been updated by the listing agent, either individually or via the bulk uploader, the listing agent may select from their auction listings which individual lots to nominate using the 'Edit' menu, as shown below.
The listing agent will then be offered a new tab (available only for lots listed in the AuctionsPlus Multi-Vendor Machinery Sale) labelled ‘Marketing’.
Upon nominating the listing to 'Featured Lots' via the toggle,the listing agent will be required to also confirm the accompanying Terms and Conditions and save the listing.
For step-by-step visual guide, please see below.
At this instance, the listing will be available in the dedicated Featured Lots page and eligible for presentation upon the dedicated machinery Featured Lots carousels displayed in 'ROS' placements.
Please note that the nomination fee AU$200 (excl GST) will then appear upon the AuctionsPlus invoice.
Important Considerations
Nominating a lot to a 'Featured Lots', incurs a AU$200 (excl GST) fee which will be charged, once a lot has been promoted. The fee will be labelled as a 'Marketing Fee' on the invoice you receive from AuctionsPlus.
Unlike the machinery listing fee, the 'Featured Lots' nomination fee will be charged regardless of whether the lot is sold or not.
The listing will be automatically removed from the 'Featured Lots' upon it being 'Updated To Sold', or the scheduled AuctionsPlus machinery sales is completed.
After the conclusion of an auction, if an unsold lot is reoffered, the Listing Agent must choose to re-nominate as a 'Featured Lots' if desired, and thus will incur an additional fee. The original nomination does not apply to a reoffered lot.
The 'Featured Lots' carousels positioned across the AuctionsPlus website will display a limited 5 slots at a time. However, all nominated lots are considered indistinguishable and cycle through the carousel equally.
The machinery 'Featured Lots' carousel is presented across the AuctionsPlus website (ROS) in the following locations
Auctions Upcoming (Machinery)
Auctions Results (Machinery)
Browse (Machinery)
Lot Details (Machinery)
We are here to help! If you require any further assistance, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page.