Accepting the New Terms as a Buyer

How do I accept the New User Agreement?

AuctionsPlus' new User Agreement comes into effect from 1 March 2023, and all users are required to read and accept the updated User Agreement in order to continue using the platform.

1) As a buyer, when you first log on to the AuctionsPlus website from the 1st March onwards, you will see the below pop-up. You must open the User Agreement before you can accept the Terms and you cannot proceed without accepting the Terms.

2) Buyers then may choose to complete their Buyer Training right away, which provides further detail on the updated User Agreement or save for later.

3) If not completed already, buyers can also choose to verify their identity immediately, or complete later when convenient.

Once these steps are worked through, your browser will return you to the website, where you can operate without further interuption.