How can I confirm the NEVER EVER accreditation in Assessment Entry?

AuctionsPlus is collaborating with Greenham in supporting the NEVER EVER Beef Program by offering the capability to connect accredited buyers and sellers.


The Greenham NEVER EVER program is a livestock accreditation program designed to ensure the attributes and provenance of livestock destined to supply red meat (currently only beef) to target international markets.

The NEVER EVER accreditation has been developed and supported by Greenham Processors (Greenham - Quality Australian Beef ). AuctionsPlus is collaborating with Greenham in supporting the NEVER EVER program by offering the capability to connect accredited buyers and sellers.

Within Assessment Entry an assessor may submit a vendor’s PIC for automated instant reference of the NEVER EVER database. Accredited PICS may then have their assessments carry an identifying badge that supports buyers targeting suitably accredited livestock. AuctionsPlus will further support these buyers by including a filter/search that will identify and isolate those accredited lot listings.

📝 NOTE - All screenshots shared in this article are for illustrative purposes only.

Confirming NEVER EVER accreditation

The NEVER EVER accreditation is attached to the property’s PIC number. When the Assessor enters the PIC into the Assessment, they will be prompted to validate:


This will action both the NLIS verification and seek to confirm whether the PIC is presently registered with Greenham’s as part of the program.

A successful confirmation will appear like this:


⚠️ If this does not meet the vendor or assessor's expectation, this should be raised with Greenham directly.

In addition the confirmation will also be automatically reflected in the Accreditation section of the Assessment with the option that the assessor may ‘uncheck’ the accreditation at their discretion.


Filtering for NEVER EVER accredited livestock

Once the confirmed listing has been saved/published, potential bidders can quickly filter for NEVER EVER stock via a dedicated tag.


📝 For further information on the NEVER EVER accreditation scheme please visit: 

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