Subjective Language in Assessments

Objective comments aid in the marketing of your stock and provide further detail on the information entered in other fields. Terminology and language used in Assessor Comments are as important as measurements within the assessment. Lately, we have noted an increase in the incidence of the following language;

  • 'a handful'
  • 'the odd...'
  • 'a small percentage...'
  • 'blue eyes, not considered detrimental'

What do these phrases or descriptions actually mean?

Recently, a large number (100+) of Angus weaner heifers were sold from Western NSW, into Victoria with the following comments "the odd heifer has an old pink eye scar, not considered detrimental". In total, 7 photos were attached to the assessment, all taken in the yards with the entire beast in the image. I.e, not a single photo was taken of an eye in the head bail.

Upon delivery, approximately one third of the heifers were reported to have scarring by the purchaser. By failing to supply a specific count on the number of animals with old scarring, nor what he deemed to be 'detrimental', the Assessor was in a challenging position. Through supplying evidence in support of their claim, the purchaser negotiated a price adjustment on the agreed number of affected animals, as a specific number had not been supplied in the assessment.

Instead of using subjective language above, AuctionsPlus supports the use of objective language wherever possible. For example;

  • 2 steers with pinkeye scarring (support with photo and or video)
  • 5% of cows with white on udder
  • 7 ewes observed with long toes

Don't describe them as something they are not and always reference - What would I want to know about this lot as a buyer?