AuctionsPlus Delivery Checklist

Auction Date: ­­­­­­­­_______                Lot Number: _______

Expected Date/Time of Trucking: _______________________

  1. Number as per Catalogue: __________   Count at Delivery: __________
    1. Reason for any variation in numbers:________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
    2. Has buyer been notified of any variation? Yes / No
  2. Were any lame animals observed / removed at delivery? Yes / No
    1. If Yes, reason for Lameness? ________________________________________
  3. Stock are in the condition (Weight, Fat etc) described in assessment? Yes / No
    1. If No, action taken? _______________________________________________
  4. Were there any heath / disease issues observed that were not described in assessment? Yes / No
    1. If Yes, action taken? ______________________________________________
  5. Any other variation from assessment noted? Yes / No
    1. If Yes, action taken? ______________________________________________
  6. Stock have been yarded in line with curfew discussed/agreed with buyer? Yes / No
  7. All stock are deemed to be Fit to Load when inspected for Delivery? Yes / No
  8. All stock are fitted with NLIS devices? Yes / No
  9. Vendor has been provided with “Vendor Responsibilities” document? Yes / No
  10. Vendor has agreed to deliver stock as per the assessment, and will notify agent of any changes in condition prior to loading? Yes / No

    Agency Representative Name: _________________________________________

    Signature: ______________________________________________

    Date: ______________________        Time: ___________________