Registering a Non-Digital Vendor

From 1 March 2023, assessors and delivery agents listing livestock through Assessment Entry will need to nominate their vendor’s AuctionsPlus ID (APID) in assessments.

AuctionsPlus understand that not all Vendors may be able to meet the digital requirements for an AuctionsPlus Account.

We have developed the ability for Selling Agents to coordinate the registration of Non-Digital Vendors (or users who may not have access to an email address) 

The Selling Agent is responsible for providing the Vendor with a copy of all the information linked below for them to review. The Vendor must complete the AuctionsPlus Vendor Registration Form, have this signed by a witness and the Selling Agent must then return this to AuctionsPlus.

Please find via the links below, all information you require to register a Non-Digital Vendor.

Once completed, please returned the signed AuctionsPlus Vendor Registration Form to

Please allow at least 48 hours (business days) for the application to be reviewed and processed. AuctionsPlus will in return provide the Selling Agent, the APID of the Vendor's account.

If you require urgent approval of a Vendor Account, please contact our office on (02) 9262 4222.