Bid Types

The Selling Agent will nominate the sale option (or options) which are available to bidders when the lot is offered for sale.

Bid Types can be made available, including but not limited to:

  • Per head basis, where the price is in dollars and cents per head for all Livestock in the Lot;
  • Liveweight basis, where the price is in cents per kilogram for the aggregate liveweight ascertained by Certified scales for all Livestock in the Lot;
  • Carcase weight basis, where the price is in cents per kilogram for the aggregate weight ascertained by Certified abattoir scales of the carcases of all Livestock in the Lot (subject to adjustments for bruising as specified in the applicable AuctionsPlus bruising Schedule). The reserve carcase weight price includes the value of skin;
  • Grid basis, where the price is in cents per kilogram as the maximum price applied on the Purchaser’s submitted discount grid Schedule in relation to weight, fat and dentition. Factors other than weight, fat and dentition disclosed in the assessment cannot be discounted; or
  • Unit basis, where the price is per unit which is the subject of the lot.
  • Lot basis, where the price specified is for the lot in its entirety.