Australia is currently free from both FMD & LSD and our priority is to keep it that way.
Should you have concerns, or be suspicious about the presence of an Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) the first thing you should do is call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a highly contagious animal disease that affects all cloven-hoofed animals (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, buffalo, camelids and deer). There is no threat to human health from this disease and there have been no reported cases of FMD in Australia.
Symptoms of FMD include:
May show fever, drooling and lethargy
Animals can suffer from blisters on the mouth, snout, tongue, lips or between and above the hooves on the feet
Blisters may be intact or ruptured, exposing painful raw tissue
More information can be found at Animal Health Australia: Foot and mouth disease
The AUSVETPLAN contains the nationally-agreed approach for the response to emergency animal disease (EAD) incidents in Australia. The plan is captured in a series of manuals and supporting documents and is available at Animal Health Australia: Informing EAD Responses – AUSVETPLAN
Access information surrounding Biosecurity Awareness on our website here.